04 junho, 2024 Plano AproXima releases the Guide for sex workers in English
Get tips on how you can protect yourself and work safely.
You can now have free access to the English version of the Support Guide for sex workers. Coordinated by Plano AproXima, the social responsibility project of Classificados X
, it includes useful information about safe sex, sexual health, and tips on how to work with menstruation, among other topics.

You can download your English support Guide for sex workers here. It’s completely free!
We are experiencing a significant increase in migratory flows, and Portugal is no exception. Annually, we receive millions of people from Portuguese-speaking countries, but there is also a growing number of migrants from other nationalities. Additionally, there are thousands of migrant residents in the country who do not speak Portuguese well.
At the same time, tourism continues to grow, with a steady increase in the daily flow of tourists arriving in our country.
Thus, it is crucial to reach these audiences as well, whether they are sex professionals or clients seeking sexual services.
In this global context, Plano AproXima releases the English version of the Support Guide for sex workers, to reach a wider audience. In the meantime, it aims to promote inclusion and facilitate communication in a global and constantly evolving context.
This "Safer WORK" Guide includes useful information on how people can protect themselves and where to access condoms and other protection methods, or how to access PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV) or PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV).
Download the support Guide for sex workers
The Guide also has guidelines on health, safety, and rights, specifically on contraceptive methods, and safe sex with toys, among other tips.
There are also indications of how you should act in situations of physical, sexual, and/or psychological violence.
Thus, you can find in a single place and for free information to work safely as a sex professional. You can also share this English Guide with your foreign clients, so they know how to protect themselves as well.
Plano AproXima
O Plano AproXima é um projecto financiado pelo Classificados X que se destina a trabalhadorxs do sexo, independentemente do género, orientação sexual, nacionalidade ou condição social. Temos uma postura livre de moralismos e preconceitos em relação ao trabalho sexual, pois acreditamos que todas as pessoas que decidem seguir esta actividade como profissão são auto-determinadas e devem ver garantidas a igualdade de oportunidades e os direitos fundamentais.
Visita-nos no website https://www.planoaproxima.org/ onde poderás encontrar informação importante e contactar a equipa directamente para esclareceres as tuas dúvidas.